It's a general perception that if one wants to make a career in medical-related fields then it would be better to stay away from mathematics. The same rule applied to the students which want to make their career in engineering and allied areas.
But, with the advancement in technology and the focus of research shifted from core work to interdisciplinary research, it is needed for the hour that students must start thinking about the interdisciplinary areas.
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Medical students have a new area known as computational biology in which the researchers must have the knowledge of mathematical concepts which must be adequate enough so that the complex biological problem could be solved with the help of mathematical tools or analysis.
On the other end, when we talk about interdisciplinary research in engineering-related fields and if we see in last 20 years there is plenty of work which has been done in the medical field whether using microbots or in biomechanics and brain Science research, etc.
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So whether you want to make a career either in medical areas or engineering areas it will be better than you will take both biology and mathematics at your +2 standard. So that you do have the basic concepts to be able to work in the inter- or multi-disciplinary areas.