Sunday, November 24, 2019

Biology or Mathematics - A puzzle for students opting Science after 10th

Well, I am inspired to write this post while I was replying to a comment on one of my earlier posts.

It's a general perception that if one wants to make a career in medical-related fields then it would be better to stay away from mathematics. The same rule applied to the students which want to make their career in engineering and allied areas.

But, with the advancement in technology and the focus of research shifted from core work to interdisciplinary research, it is needed for the hour that students must start thinking about the interdisciplinary areas.

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Medical students have a new area known as computational biology in which the researchers must have the knowledge of mathematical concepts which must be adequate enough so that the complex biological problem could be solved with the help of mathematical tools or analysis.

On the other end, when we talk about interdisciplinary research in engineering-related fields and if we see in last 20 years there is plenty of work which has been done in the medical field whether using microbots or in biomechanics and brain Science research, etc. 

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So whether you want to make a career either in medical areas or engineering areas it will be better than you will take both biology and mathematics at your +2 standard. So that you do have the basic concepts to be able to work in the inter- or multi-disciplinary areas.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A new Aptitude Test - Tammana

Are you confused about making a career for your child?
Is it really a puzzle for you what to do after 12th?

Then no need to worry. Now comes a tool developed by CBSE in associate with NCERT for students of class 11th and 12th. Students must have language aptitude skills in order to give this test. This test will help the students to decide the career options. The main purpose of this test is not to pass or fail but to assess the students based upon various parameters.
This is a voluntary test and not a compulsion for the students. By giving this test one can check his/her strengths and decide the suitable career options in the following ways: 

Good logical and analytical abilities - courses or occupations surrounding mathematics, architecture, law, medicine, forensic science, etc.

Ability to understand and reason using concepts - a student can opt for professions like psychology, speech therapy, auctioneering, advertising, linguistics, business, law, and education.
Numerical aptitude or the ability to do mathematical operations quickly - all types of engineering, architectural, oceanography, geology, meteorology, biosciences, health sciences, statistics, natural sciences, and banking-related career choices.
Spatial aptitude or the ability to quickly judge - manufacturing industry, drafting, designing, architecture, astronomy, chemist, visual arts, animation, multimedia art, etc.
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Perceptual aptitude or ability to accurately and meaningfully compare visual information - bank-teller, accountant, computer programmer, a detective as well as in data entry, assembly work, record keeping, dispatching and filing, etc.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Passed 10th, now WHAT??

It is a question, which is always there in the mind of students and their parents.
Though students and their parents are smart enough now and have a lot of knowledge still the dilemma will always be there.
When students were in IX or X class, the makeup of mind is that now I have to work hard to get good marks. Parents always pressurize them to attain good marks. In this pressure, sometimes the mind of the child is boiled to such an extent that S/he took the decision to give up her/his life.

So, what should parents do?

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  • Well, the answer is simple and straightforward. First of all, be like a parent and please doesn't pressurize your child for unnecessary competition. S/he is your loved one baby, not a machine that is bought for production only but without interruption.
  • Now, the next step is that being a parent you know that his/her capabilities. So, try to correlate these capabilities with his/her interest.
  • If the child is more inclined towards doing innovative things and mathematics then suggest him/her for taking Science in XI. It will be with or without biology, it depends upon facilities or his interest.
  • If S/he like activities related to budget, accountability, business, etc then suggest and allow her/him to take commerce in class XI
  • If S/he likes creative and cultural activities then support and advice to take Arts in XI, Later s/he may go into BFA or Animation or something related fields to make a good career.
  • But mark one thing in mind, the decision must be taken as per his/her capabilities and not upon your inclination or by seeing your surroundings.

Looks easy but the decision is hard. But ultimately, you are more experienced you, child. So, suggestion should be for the best.

Thanks for reading this blog. If have any suggestion, kindly write in the comment section.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Advise to Science Students

Science!!! A term that has disrupted the world in the last two centuries. With the advancement in science and technology, today we are on the verge of disrupting the world, disrupting our mother nation. The advancements we have made are running at such a pace, that deterioration of our planet is going on at the worst rate ever. We hadn't worsened the climatic conditions to such pathetic conditions since the existence of life, which we did in the last 50 or 100 years.

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So, it is my advice to my budding scientists and technologists that now your duty is just not to make the devices and technologies but these should be sustainable enough so that we leave our planet, our mother earth habitable for our future generations. Otherwise, no one would have been there on this planet.

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Puzzled!!!!How to Choose a Better Career ??

Well, this question annoyed almost every one of us. Yes, I said almost because there were, are, and will some lucky persons who got their career without any efforts.

But almost all of us are always in dilemma, what should I do? How should I proceed? If I do this, will I be successful or I will fail? There are a lot more questions which come to the mind of every person while deciding his/her career.

Well, there isn’t any straightforward answer to such questions. But, if we take few precautions, then we can at least ease this burden.

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First, sit down for few minutes (If possible ask your parents, best friends, teachers or some otherwise persons). Ask about your strengths and weaknesses. E.g. if your strength is in doing something creative like drawing or painting, then hone your skills in that particular area. You can go for Bachelor in Fine Arts to improve your skills.

But please don't go for this, if you don't have patience because this is the most critical skill needed to make a career in fine arts.

Patience is followed by hard work and determination to succeed in life.

Follow me for further discussions about your career.

Career after 12th

I am going to pass out the 12th class, but what should I do?

May I go for Higher Education or prepare for government jobs?

Higher Education is necessary to be able to compete and get promotions in your career path. 

But what path do I take for higher education? It is always a puzzle for almost every student that is going out to complete his/her school education. If a student has been able to solve this puzzle at the right time with the right guidance, then his/her precious time will be saved in digging up in the ocean of uncertainties. So, based upon your interests and capabilities, you may decide your career path. Kindly don't run away behind the lucrative one by just seeing others. Everyone has unique abilities and interests and if someone does the hard work by knowing that in the right direction then success will always be there.

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Another question of interest is the preparation for Government Jobs.

Well, this is one of the most uncertain decisions. As one can see, only 3 in 100 jobs are there in the government sector and there are more than 100s candidates for a job. So, one should decide very carefully while making this decision as it is one of the most critical decisions of life. There are a lot of candidates who are still in dilemma but decide to go the preparation either due to no other option available or seeing others that are going for preparation especially their friends. 
But keep in mind these tactics just waste your precious time and money. Only go for the preparation, when you are sure that you are capable to do something good. One more thing, patience, and hard work are the key to success in succeeding or clearing the exam with a good rank.

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Thanks for reading this article and kindly comment to ask any questions.

The Life of an Engineer

Hello everyone!!!

This is my first ever blog article (out of quora). I am writing it, in short, to make it interesting one.

Engineer!!! The word when someone just takes him/her to the illusion that he must be able to everything which is technical. And then starts the problems of being an engineer.

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For Computer Science Engineers, it is like "Hey!!! my there is some problem with the windows or it is not working, kindly fix it". Now, the situation of the CSE engineer is pathetic. He/she starts thinking, I am an engineer, not a technician.

The situation of Mechanical and Electrical engineering students is even worse.  There is a problem at home like electricity fluctuating or some plumbing/fitting work. Now, parents or other relatives say, hey just fix this problem you have done mechanical (or electrical engineering.

Sometimes for a civil engineer, the situation is like that they just help the Mistry in making that floor/room/shop.

There are a lot of other cases also. But I will add them in my further articles.

The Journey of Learning: Embracing Lifelong Growth

Introduction Learning is a journey that transcends the confines of classrooms and the duration of formal education. It's a lifelong purs...